
Why Leaders in Mission-Driven Organisations Must Prioritise Their Teams

 Stop me if you’ve heard this one before: You lead a team in a mission-driven organisation. You’re passionate about your cause—whether it’s environmental conservation, social justice, or global development. You and your team are working tirelessly to make a difference. But lately, you’ve noticed something troubling. Your once-energised team seems exhausted, disengaged, even burnt out. You worry that they’re losing sight of the mission, and you’re left wondering, “What am I missing here?” If this sounds familiar, you’re not alone. Leaders in mission-driven organisations face unique challenges. The work is often emotionally taxing, the stakes are high, and the rewards aren’t always tangible. But here’s the thing: no matter how passionate your team is about the mission, they’re still human. They need to feel supported, valued, and motivated. As Simon Sinek, a renowned leadership expert, famously says, “Leadership is not about being in charge. It’s about taking care of those in your charge

A Journey into the Wild: Family Bonds and Nature’s Wonders in Patagonian Chile

As our plane descended into the rugged landscapes of Patagonian Chile, a sense of adventure washed over me. Beside me, my two sons, aged 19 and 21, shared excited glances, eager to capture every moment for a documentary they were filming. This wasn’t just a family trip; it was a mission to showcase how essential and transformative natural environments can be, a project driven by their passion for making such experiences accessible to all. Our journey kicked off with breathtaking visits to the icy expanses of glaciers and the iconic peaks of Parque Nacional Torres del Paine. Despite the cold, our spirits were warmed by encounters with a vibrant mix of travelers from Cuba, the United States, Germany, Chile, Argentina, and beyond. Each person we met added a unique thread to the rich tapestry of our adventure. Navigating through these pristine landscapes as snowflakes danced around us was nothing short of magical. The local cuisine delighted our palates, and the warmth of the people we met

Integrating PES into REDD+ Projects: Key Insights for Project Managers

Incorporating Payment for Ecosystem Services (PES) into REDD+ (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation) projects can significantly enhance both environmental and socio-economic outcomes. PES models reward communities for maintaining and enhancing ecosystem services, aligning economic incentives with conservation goals. Here are some key insights and best practices for integrating PES into REDD+ projects effectively: 1. Developing and Operationalizing PES Models Creating effective PES models requires a thorough understanding of local contexts and the integration of community preferences. It is imprtant to develop demonstration models that contribute to an informed PES policy framework, fully integrated with REDD+ efforts. This approach supports natural resource stewardship, climate change mitigation, and poverty reduction. 2. Group-Level vs. Individual Payments Implementing PES at a group level, as seen in a Tanzanian REDD+ pilot, involves making payments to a defin

Why Everyone Should Become a Conservationist: Sustaining Life on Earth for Future Generations

 In an age where the impact of human activity on the planet is undeniable, the call to become a conservationist resonates louder than ever. Conservation is not just the responsibility of a few; it is a collective duty we all share to ensure a livable planet for ourselves and future generations. Here’s why everyone should embrace conservation: 1. Preserving Biodiversity Biodiversity is the backbone of ecosystem stability. The variety of life forms, from the tiniest microorganisms to the largest mammals, creates a balance that sustains ecosystems. Each species plays a unique role in maintaining the health of our environment. When we protect biodiversity, we ensure the resilience of ecosystems, which in turn support human life. Conservation efforts help prevent species extinction, maintain genetic diversity, and preserve the intricate web of life that supports all living creatures. 2. Ensuring Clean Air and Water Healthy ecosystems are vital for clean air and water. Forests act as the lun

Inspiration at Work: How Purpose Fuels Happiness and Fulfillment

In today's rapidly evolving job market, finding a career that truly inspires can seem like a luxury. However, the significance of having a purposeful and fulfilling job cannot be understated—it's essential for our well-being and happiness. As Simon Sinek famously said, "Working hard for something we don’t care about is called stress; working hard for something we love is called passion." This blog explores the transformative power of having a job that not only challenges you but inspires and aligns with your deeper life goals. The Importance of Having a Purpose-Driven Job A purpose-driven job is more than a source of income; it's a crucial component of a fulfilling life. When your career aligns with your values and helps you contribute to something bigger than yourself, it significantly boosts your emotional and psychological well-being. Arthur Brooks, in his writings on happiness and work, emphasizes that satisfaction comes from believing in your work's value

The Urgent Need for Sustainable Water Management in a Changing Climate

While browsing through LinkedIn recently, I discovered a compelling article titled "Líderes de la sociedad civil de América Latina lanzan un llamado a la acción sobre el financiamiento del agua y el saneamiento." This article not only highlighted the critical challenges faced by our water systems due to climate change but also aligned closely with my past experiences and the urgent need for proactive financial strategies and local participation in water management. From 2012 to 2018, I worked with Rare, focusing on watershed conservation across Latin America. Our projects aimed at both protecting these vital ecosystems and empowering local communities to take stewardship of their natural resources. This experience has shown me how essential sustainable practices are to maintaining the balance of these delicate systems and has taught me the value of behaviour change and community engagement in these efforts. The article stressed the economic impact of investing in water and sa

Empowering Missions: Transforming NGO Fundraising from Transaction to Connection

  Drawing from over 25 years of enriching experience across Latin America and Asia, my journey in the conservation sector has been a testament to the evolving landscape of NGO management and fundraising. With a background deeply rooted in environmental projects and an MBA to bolster my administrative acumen, I've navigated through various roles, from leading conservation programs at EcoCiencia and BirdLife International to pioneering innovative water programs with Rare in Colombia. Each role has contributed a piece to the intricate puzzle of my understanding of the nonprofit world. Embracing Storytelling as a Core Strategy Throughout my career, starting from my early days at EcoCiencia, leading projects that monitored insect communities in Esmeraldas, to my strategic leadership roles at BirdLife International, where I directed a diverse team across the Americas, I've witnessed the compelling impact of personal stories. These narratives, whether they’re about the communities